Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And Baby Makes 3, oops I mean 5

So as many of you know we already have two small four legged children who have been with us for quite awhile. I can't help but wonder how they are going to adjust to having a new sibling. What I do know is that they already keep us on our toes and ensure lots of laugh -see below for an example.

I have really been enjoying the sound sleep of a pregnant woman. As a former insomniac, sleeping all night has been a nice bonus so imagine my surprise when at 7:45 morning the other morning I was rudely woken up. What was truly odd was that what woke me was our bed literally moving across the bedroom floor. Saying many many bad words that I won't list here, I tried to wake up enough to figure out why I was moving. At that point I realized a few items:

1) Hank (our 12 year old Shih Tzu) was sound asleep in the bed snoring loudly despite the fact we were moving.
2) I could hear what sounded like a person choking loudly.
3) A massive thunderstorm was taking place.

Adding these strange pieces of information together my sleepy mind then realize Sophie (our 8 year old Jack) was missing. I realized at this point that I wasn't actually hearing choking but instead was hearing Sophie grunting and crying because she was completely melting down due to the storm. Picture a 20 pound dog having a temper tantrum similar to a toddler. During the course of her tantrum she had managed to:
1) Move Mike's night stand
2) Knock over a pole lamp
3) Move a large under the bed plastic storage container full of bedding and
4) Move our queen size bed about 6 inches

All in an effort to get under our bed and hide from the storm. Clearly an upstairs room under a window is the safest place to go during severe weather (note to self: Sophie is not to instruct Baby S on emergency procedures).

After verifying that Sophie was indeed ok (btw it is no small feat to get on the floor and crawl under the bed at 28 weeks pregnant) I moved the bed back against the wall and crawled back in. It was at this point I realized Hank still hadn't woken up.

I think Auntie B has it correct - all we can do is hope that Baby S inherits Hank's sleeping talents.

Never a dull moment in Sheltonland.


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