Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy Paranoia

I think it is a fairly well established facts that pregnant women are a ball of hormones who can be completely irrational most of the time.  I freely admit that I am frequently irrational on my best non-pregnant days and being pregnant has only made this worse.  I find myself frequently chanting to myself "you are irrational stop, you are irrational stop."  It works about 50% of the time. Today I have found a topic of concern that I just can't stop being irrational about and I wanted to share.

As I have read pregnancy books and message boards or talked to other parents I have realized that it is perfectly normal to worry about your baby's future even if those fears are not always based in reality.  I have started to have these worries about Baby S's future.  But rather than worrying about things like birth defects, car seat safety, SIDS or other more normal concerns for baby - I have a whole other set of fears: international fear due to multi-national debt default.

Now some people reading this will wonder WTH I am talking about, others reading this are going to start laughing hysterically and think that this totally fits.  Either way, my concerns are no less real.  I feel like I am no longer emotionally strong enough to watch the news.  I have nightmares about debt default at night.

But then as I have these fears, I begin to fear that perhaps I will pass them along to Baby S.  Instead of having nightmares about the bogeyman or ghosts am I going to make Baby S fear the US's S&P rating or chaos in the Eurozone.  Is my kid going to get made fun of at school for worrying how the international financial market is going to impact the future of the economy and basic social safety net programs?

You think this is far fetched but I can assure you that I was in fact that kid.  For example at 8 years old, I cried because we had to get a new President.  I became very concerned about disruption in governance and what kind of instability this would bring to the country.  I just didn't understand why if things were ok we needed to change President.  This literally kept me up at night. (As a random aside this is particularly funny because of course the President I was afraid to have leave office was Reagan.)

Being keen to co-parent I have shared my fears with my husband.  He laughed hysterically.  So much for support.

For now I have just decided to stop watching the news and stick to E!, Bravo, and HGTV.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Haven't you always wanted to?

You are at a restaurant and your water glass is empty.  You can see the water pitcher but nothing you do can get the waitress to refill your glass.  Haven't you always wanted to just get up and refill the d$mn glass yourself?

You are at a boring luncheon where rubber chicken in on the menu.  You look longingly at the empty chairs in front of pre-set salads and cheese cake.  Don't you just want to send the nasty chicken back and go eat the extra desserts (or I suppose salads)?

Good news - when you are visible pregnant you totally get to do both of those items and no one blinks.  In fact you are applauded for your assertiveness and stepping up to take care of your body and baby.

The freedom to totally just do and say as you want and blame it on pregnancy, the baby or hormones is a heady kind of freedom and power.  All of those things that you would be judged negatively before or would mortify your long suffering spouse suddenly become acceptable when you are pregnant.  Want to tell someone they are stupid and to stop talking to you?  Go for it - it is no longer rude it is hormones.  Want to demand more bread at dinner?  No worry about being judged as a pig - carbs are "good" for pregnant ladies.  Want a specific seat - people will give it to you.  Need to cut in the bathroom line or use the family one restroom - do it!

I may or may not have done all of the items above and perhaps others - I am going to exercise my 5th Amendment rights and admit nothing.

I have found this the absolute best thing about being pregnant.  All of those things I have always had to hold back on for fear of my mother or husband's judgement, I am now free to do.  I am kind of going to be sad to have this go away.

Of course to get this power you only have to accept with the downsides of pregnancy such as vomiting, retaining water, loss of bladder control, inability to drink, acne, strange rashes, stretch marks, and weight gain.

It is totally worth the trade right? No? Maybe?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Good, the bad, the ugly?

As someone who is suffering through her third trimester in the summer I have discovered there are some definite perks to being this pregnant when it is this hot (large hot preggos are pitiful) but there are also some unexpected downsides as well.

First, the good - when you are pregnant in the summer no one expects you to wear panty hose! The bad - people still expect you to shave your legs.  Now those of you who have not been pregnant may wonder what this has to do with anything.  Let me enlighten you.  I too was excited when I first realized that all rules about appropriate business attire kind of go out the window when you are in your third trimester, particularly when it meant that I got a pass about wearing panty hose in a business situation (hose are a nasty hateful invention aren't they).  As I have found skirts and dresses much more comfortable I was particularly thrilled about this.

Of course while you get the pass from wearing panty hose you aren't given a pass from basic grooming requirements. This is not something I thought would ever be a problem. That is until I realized about a month ago that I can't lift my leg to shave in the shower anymore.  Nor can I bend over if it is on the shower floor.  Further execrating this issue is that when pregnant the combo of hormones and prenatal vitamins cause your hair to grow like crazy (great for hair on your head and nails not so much for your legs).

This problem really left me stumped for quite awhile.  I mean what am I supposed to do?  It is too uncomfortably hot to wear pants but god my legs looked like an overweight Italian man's.  After much experimentation and debate I think I have found a solution.  Post-shower, I now sit in the tub and shave as much of my leg as I can reach.  Right now this lets me shave to the top of my knee and I figure that s good enough.  I am not sure what I am going to do when I can only shave my ankle.  Give up all attempts at grooming perhaps.........