Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy Paranoia

I think it is a fairly well established facts that pregnant women are a ball of hormones who can be completely irrational most of the time.  I freely admit that I am frequently irrational on my best non-pregnant days and being pregnant has only made this worse.  I find myself frequently chanting to myself "you are irrational stop, you are irrational stop."  It works about 50% of the time. Today I have found a topic of concern that I just can't stop being irrational about and I wanted to share.

As I have read pregnancy books and message boards or talked to other parents I have realized that it is perfectly normal to worry about your baby's future even if those fears are not always based in reality.  I have started to have these worries about Baby S's future.  But rather than worrying about things like birth defects, car seat safety, SIDS or other more normal concerns for baby - I have a whole other set of fears: international fear due to multi-national debt default.

Now some people reading this will wonder WTH I am talking about, others reading this are going to start laughing hysterically and think that this totally fits.  Either way, my concerns are no less real.  I feel like I am no longer emotionally strong enough to watch the news.  I have nightmares about debt default at night.

But then as I have these fears, I begin to fear that perhaps I will pass them along to Baby S.  Instead of having nightmares about the bogeyman or ghosts am I going to make Baby S fear the US's S&P rating or chaos in the Eurozone.  Is my kid going to get made fun of at school for worrying how the international financial market is going to impact the future of the economy and basic social safety net programs?

You think this is far fetched but I can assure you that I was in fact that kid.  For example at 8 years old, I cried because we had to get a new President.  I became very concerned about disruption in governance and what kind of instability this would bring to the country.  I just didn't understand why if things were ok we needed to change President.  This literally kept me up at night. (As a random aside this is particularly funny because of course the President I was afraid to have leave office was Reagan.)

Being keen to co-parent I have shared my fears with my husband.  He laughed hysterically.  So much for support.

For now I have just decided to stop watching the news and stick to E!, Bravo, and HGTV.

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