Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Haven't you always wanted to?

You are at a restaurant and your water glass is empty.  You can see the water pitcher but nothing you do can get the waitress to refill your glass.  Haven't you always wanted to just get up and refill the d$mn glass yourself?

You are at a boring luncheon where rubber chicken in on the menu.  You look longingly at the empty chairs in front of pre-set salads and cheese cake.  Don't you just want to send the nasty chicken back and go eat the extra desserts (or I suppose salads)?

Good news - when you are visible pregnant you totally get to do both of those items and no one blinks.  In fact you are applauded for your assertiveness and stepping up to take care of your body and baby.

The freedom to totally just do and say as you want and blame it on pregnancy, the baby or hormones is a heady kind of freedom and power.  All of those things that you would be judged negatively before or would mortify your long suffering spouse suddenly become acceptable when you are pregnant.  Want to tell someone they are stupid and to stop talking to you?  Go for it - it is no longer rude it is hormones.  Want to demand more bread at dinner?  No worry about being judged as a pig - carbs are "good" for pregnant ladies.  Want a specific seat - people will give it to you.  Need to cut in the bathroom line or use the family one restroom - do it!

I may or may not have done all of the items above and perhaps others - I am going to exercise my 5th Amendment rights and admit nothing.

I have found this the absolute best thing about being pregnant.  All of those things I have always had to hold back on for fear of my mother or husband's judgement, I am now free to do.  I am kind of going to be sad to have this go away.

Of course to get this power you only have to accept with the downsides of pregnancy such as vomiting, retaining water, loss of bladder control, inability to drink, acne, strange rashes, stretch marks, and weight gain.

It is totally worth the trade right? No? Maybe?

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