Saturday, August 15, 2009

Umm I don´t this is where I was supposed to end up

First, once again this is a German keyboard but has yet a different layout of keys, still the z and y reversal though so I imagine that will once again be an issue.

We left Murren this morning and headed to Munich. This was a ridiculous case of multi country you can´t get here from there. It took us more than 8 hours to make the trek and it involved going west to the border of France and Germany and about two hours farther north than Munich actually is to arrive here. To put it in context we took a train through the entire black forest region to cut back east to get to barvaria. It was so obscure that the conducter at the station at Murren felt bad and printed out a schedule for us with instructions to try to prevent us from getting lost. We didn´t get lost and arrived right now time.

There was some issue with us getting to Munich tonight because we weren´t actuallz supposed to arrive until tomorrow so we had no hotel reservation. The hotel we are staying out was full for tonight so we needed alternative arrangements. Tommorrow we are taking a tour of Dachau and the trip leaves from the Munich Central station so we just decided to stay close to the station since we didnät get in until after 8 pm. To find a hotel we consulted our handy dandy Rick Steves Germanz. He directed us to what he called the best value for monez in the area if zou donät mind the two strip clubs. We though whatever we will onlz be here a few hours.

What he neglected to mention is that it isn´t two strip clubs it is an entire street of strip clubs and sex shops -seriouslz like mazbe 5 blocks of nothing but adult establishments of some sort or another. And because it is Europe the sidewalk ads for these establishments are very descriptive if zou will. We just went out for dinner and
1. I swear we passed a prostitute
2. We walked towards places with food like names onlz to find out that thez were in fact more strip clubs or other such places
3. I was embaressed to look at all the men walking down the street because it was quite clear what thez were going to be doing tonight.
Finally we found a sandwich shop and grabbed something and brought ti back to the hotel. The hotel is quite nice and is probablz the nicest place we have stayed so far and is bz far the cheapest. Thez have a nice eating area with a free computer with internet access. We sat in the eating area and watched the street. Oddlz among all of this adult oriented businesses are throngs of tourists and oddlz families with reallz small children. It is completely weird. While I feel safe in guessing that our hotel tomorrow wonät be this nice I will happilz move into the old center of town awaz from whatever in the world this is.....again I donät think this is where we were supposed to end up.

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